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rumour ‘bout a revolution
洗心革面  detail>>
 n.  谣言,传闻,流言。 R- has it that [says that].... 据谣传…。 the author of the rumour 造谣者。 The...  detail>>
a sensational rumour
耸人耳目的谣言  detail>>
fabricate a rumour
捏造谣言  detail>>
idle rumour
毫无根据的谣言  detail>>
malicious rumour
恶意的谣言  detail>>
rumour has it
传闻  detail>>
run a rumour
追查谣言  detail>>
ugly rumour
可怕的谣言, 不堪入耳的谣言  detail>>
it revolution
信息技术革命  detail>>
 n.  1.革命;剧烈的变革。 2.回转,绕转,旋转;转数;周期;一转;【天文学】运行,周转,公转。  短语和例子  ...  detail>>
the revolution
黑客帝国革命  detail>>
the revolution of
辛亥革命  detail>>
this revolution
这场革命  detail>>
a rumour that is current in the city
在城里广为传播的谣言  detail>>
check a rumour diffusion
制止谣言扩散  detail>>
give a quietus to a rumour
杜绝谣言  detail>>
give the lie to a rumour
戳穿谣言  detail>>